Basil Beet
greens (tops)* Bok choy Carrot & carrot tops* Celery Cilantro Clover Collard greens* Dandelion greens
and flowers (no pesticides)* Endive* Escarole Green peppers Kale (!)* Mint Mustard greens* Parsley* Pea
pods (the flat edible kind)* Peppermint leaves Raddichio Radish tops Raspberry leaves Romaine lettuce (no iceberg
or light colored leaf)* Spinach (!)* Watercress* Wheat grass
(!)=Use sparingly.
(remove stem and seeds) Blueberries Bananas* Melon Orange (without the peel) Grapes or raisins* Papaya Peach Pear Pineapple Plums Raspberries Strawberries
fruits such as bananas and grapes should be used only sparingly, as occasional treats. Bunnies have a sweet tooth
and if left to their own devices will devour sugary foods to the exclusion of healthful ones.